Saturday, 12 May 2012

Eric Valli

I've always wondered what it must be like to live outside the confines of society if America, finding yourself truly independent living off what the earth provided. Eric Valli is one photographer who opens our eyes to this secretive yet provocative lifestyle.
Eric Valli - Honey Hunters 

Valli writes:
"There are a growing number of people who have decided to live light on the earth. To not be a problem any more, I spent the last few years with four of them. Striving on harmony nature in the most pristine corners of the united states." Gonzalez (2012)

Eric Valli - Honey Hunters
For many years Valli has been a geographical photographer, photographing some of the most secluded locations on earth however lately he has shifted his focus over to documentary photography where his exceptional images depict the lives of those living on the out skirts of society.
What I appreciate about his work is the relationship he has with the inhabitants, many photographers simply shoot however disconnect themselves. Valli has spent the last few years understanding what these people live for, you can gather from the photographs that these people are very much content with their lives, living away from the "main stream" culture. When I depict his images I notice that they have no interest in material wealth, they don't suddenly stress out in order to represent themselves in a particular way. More importantly what they truly aim to represent is their culture, values which is shown throughout their expression. Lately I've seen a lot more documentary photography in which im growing quite fond of, Burke and Norfolk, Bhimji, Stoker and Valli all look at this idea of identity of both the structures and the inhabitants. I can definitely see myself referring back to this genre of photography.

Gonzalez, R,. 2012. This is what it looks like to live "off the grid" in the United States. In io9 magazine. 3/5/12 [viewed 1/5/12]. Available from: 

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