Friday, 20 April 2012

Vincent J Stoker - Hetrophobia

On the topic of Pari Photo was another photographer that caught me eye, Vincent J Stoker whose Majestic images of abandoned structures shocked the eyes of many. 


Hetrophobia is a series of photographs that explores these grand lifeless structures from all around the world. The images all seem as if they've detached themselves from the world and have settled down in the mist of it all outside of time, a frozen moment. The unbelievably large depth of fields in conjunction with shockingly vivid colours of the scenery hovers around this idea of perspective as the images all come together. All of the images have this objective magical beauty hidden within where for a split second it seems as if they were intended to be abandoned rather than occupied. 

What fascinates me about Stoker's work is this relationship between the structure and it's previous life. Similar to Bhimji's photographs these images all convey a poetic dialogue, silently throwing clues at the history behind them which all seem to have a fantasy-like ending. 

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